The idea behind this story is that a company develops the ability for one to travel back to an Alternate Reality, or a place where some decision s/he made changed the course of his/her life. Since this is done using their memories, the person's body remains in the present for seven days while they experience life as it would have been, almost in a vivid dream. At the end of seven days, they experience a time of Dual Consciousness, where they are simultaneously aware of the realities of each world and are able to choose which reality to stay in.
The company holds a lottery and chooses 3 people to participate. In this first book, you follow these three people back through their memories to find out what they ultimately decide. (I promise, the book is much more about the people's lives than about the science behind the time travel.)
I loved it and really enjoyed the concept behind it; in fact, I am currently reading the sequel called "Second Time Around." I hope someone else can enjoy this book, too!
Sounds interesting Shells . ..I'll have to check it out.