Sunday, May 8, 2011


This is the last book written by Jane Austen, and it wasn't finished being edited when she died. But, I still love this book! Anne Elliot is the middle of three girls and fell in love with Captain Frederick Wentworth when she was only 19 years old. Because he had no money and nothing to call his own and she was so young, Anne was persuaded by her friend, Lady Russell, a fill-in for her deceased mother, that it wasn't a good match.

Years later, Anne and Captain Wentworth meet again and this time their relationship grows slowly because of hurt feelings, and because of other suitors.

Of course, the two end up together, (seriously....I'm not spoiling this for anyone, because this story has been around forever), but I just love the way Jane Austen uses all of her characters in her books to further the plots. There are hardly any inconsequential people in her novels.

So, really, read this. And then read all the other books written by her because I LOVE them all!


  1. What?! They end up together???!

    haha. I don't think I've read this one yet, but I should, huh?

  2. P.S. Currently reading this one! I did like the movie though =)


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